Theme 12

Da dumpster !11!

Hallo everynyan !!! this is my personal website (template not made by me tho !!) for my thoguhts an atuff ! dont expect anything amazing tho this website is as garbage as my thoguhts yaay !!11! btw i feel like this needs to be said, this is peolly ur steryotipcsl "cringe" site so if ur not into alterhumans, xenogenders/neopronouns, anime/character shrines, sn my millions of genders then leave !!!!11 im not gonna let others judge me on here i am a cringe loser an proud !!11!

but 2 those who r the same as me STAY dont b shy feel free 2 chat w me !!1

Yay !!

More info !! it/they, non guman, artist, cringefaul silly cat an erm dats it !1! So ur prolly thinking "what do i even expect from this ??/?" an thats NOTHING !!! i mainly talk outta my ass an kinda just say stuff, dont expcet anything !q111

But mostly expcet topics such as altergumanity, my currenct obsessions, sometimes blog, art, my hobbies an da such !1 i wont have a clear topic bit these r mainly examples of what 2 expect :333 BTW pla considwr me as non human since im not mentioning it 1! dont b afraid to call me a thing an such :DD u can also treat me as a cat idm b as ceinge as u want w me yippee thats what id wqnt out of this site :333 !!11
